Salted Cream Cheese

Step into the world of our Molten Lava Salted Cream Cheese Chiffon Cakes, where a surprising twist on a classic awaits you. Each cake in this series is an exciting fusion of fluffy, light chiffon topped with molten lava salted cream cheese that flows. The creamy, slightly tangy richness of the salted cream cheese, juxtaposed with the airy texture of chiffon, creates a balance of flavors that's both delightful and memorable. But the true star is the molten lava top, a pool of creamy, salted indulgence that elevates each cake into an experience. This collection is more than just a lineup of cakes - it's a culinary adventure of textures and tastes, curated for those who crave the extraordinary in every bite.

Showing all 5 results

Salted Cream Cheese Hojicha Chiffon Cake

RM78 RM98
Experience the perfect balance of flavors in our Salted Cream Cheese Hojicha Chiffon Cake, adorned with hojicha powder and Oreo crumbs. This unique cake is…

Salted Cream Cheese Chocolate Chiffon Cake

RM78 RM98
Indulge in the perfect blend of sweet, salty, and chocolaty flavors with our Salted Cream Cheese Chocolate Chiffon Cake, elegantly adorned with caramel drizzle and…

Salted Cream Cheese Earl Grey Chiffon Cake

RM78 RM98
Elevate your taste buds to new heights with our exquisite Earl Grey Chiffon Cake. This unique creation features a fluffy chiffon cake infused with the…

Salted Cream Cheese Matcha Chiffon Cake

RM78 RM98
Matcha Chiffon Cake topped with a tantalizing combination of Salted Cream Cheese Foam, Matcha Powder, and Almond Crumbles. This unique and indulgent cake is a…

Original Salted Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake

RM78 RM98
One of our best seller! The perfect harmony of sweet and savory with our Original Chiffon Cake with Salted Cream Cheese Foam, Salted Caramel Sauce,…